We are happy to announce that our new website is active as of today! After a couple of interesting months, and a lot of fine-tuning – we are ready!

The website has two purposes.

The first is to show you the world of Artificial Intelligence and give you a taste of what we are developing here at NIRI. We covered a lot of things, including the application in various industries, as well as the potential types of cooperation that we are ready to achieve with other businesses.


The second purpose is to showcase how our product works. Our team has developed Classifieds GuardTM which now also includes the prototype for image classification, apart from the fully-functioning ad classifier. There is a DEMO on the website which will guide you through the classification process step-by-step. Follow our blog for more news about this – the best is yet to come!



We also decided to include the Careers page as we are in constant need of talented people who could join forces with us in developing smart software solutions.



If you are not familiar with our line of work, make sure to go to the “About Us” page and see what we are up to nowadays. Or you can contact us and say hi – we will be eager to tell you more about NIRI, its team, and the products!


Finally, we want to express our gratitude to the team that worked on the website – thank you guys, you rock!


P.S. Feel free to tell us what you think about the website. We are happy to take suggestions into account and improve it further!