Good news for Classified Ads Businesses! NIRI is proud to announce the launch of a new AI based Ad Classifier Service (demo).

Staying competitive is based on listening to the needs of your clients. If you fail to consider this, you are running a risk of getting disqualified in the classifieds race!

To spare you the research – here are the common problems in classified ads businesses:

·         Too much effort to post an ad! Sellers need a lot of time to post a single ad – they need to choose the categories manually (sometimes there are more than two levels of categorization, with a bunch of categories in it);

·         Annoyed by misclassified ads! For buyers, wrong categories means that they won’t be able to find what they are looking for. This fact is enough for many of them to just leave your platform and continue their search elsewhere.

·         Manual moderation is expensive and tedious!  Organizing an in-house pre or post-moderation is expensive. Furthermore, being a content moderator can be quite exhausting – imagine the effort of manually reclassifying only 100 posts a day, let alone thousands.

To solve these problems NIRI created a superb AI solution, which will save your time, money, and significantly improve User Experience (UX).

Try the DEMO

See how Ad Classifier proposes a category during Ad Posting. Enter the title of an item you want to sell (for example “Brown wooden violin”)imageedit_4_8049584913

Optionally, describe your ad.imageedit_6_3757805287

Hit the Get AI suggestion button, and the AI engine will compute best category/es for your ad. That’s it!


No need to browse the category tree manually!

Look under the hub?

The AI engine automatically analyzes your title and the description and suggests relevant categories for your ad. It also exposes the confidence level of the suggested categories.

Training. Ad Classifier uses hundreds of thousands of already classified ads, to learn from. In that way, AI engine builds a model in which each word and phrase gets a relevance score related to each category.

See that yourself! Investigate the moderation panel and see how each classification can be explained (click the Reclassify button).


Constant improvement! Through a feedback loop, Ad Classifier can learn directly from Content Moderators, and further improve its performance. AI needs this because training corpora is almost always a bit biased, and the word of a human expert is of great value.

Can you afford to wait?

If you have any feedback or questions, please contact us!